
Taiwan tea regions
Taiwan has a many regions, where tea is growing. There is the list of them.

Cingjing Farm (Qingjing Farm)
The Cingjing Veterans Farm (Qingjing Veterans Farm / 清境農場) is located near Renai Township of Nantou County. It has been opened to public since February, 1961. Farm is located at level 1750 meters above the sea.

Dayuling (Da Yu Ling)
Dayuling (Da Yu Ling) is a mountain area in the middle of Taiwan’s Central Mountain Range. This is the highest place in the country, altitude is more than 2700 meters. The highest tea plantations in the world are located in Dayuling, and you can buy Dayuling oolong tea which grows at the altitude more than 2600 meters in our shop.

Dayuling and kilometres
Sometimes after name of oolong Dayuling you can see two or tree digit numbers and letter «K»: 100K, 95K etc. What does it mean?

Fu Shou Shan (Fushoushan)
Fu Shou Shan (Fushoushan) (福壽山) is a mountain located in Heping District, Taichung City at an altitude of 1,800-2,580 meters above sea level and surrounded by mountains. It spreads over an area of 800 hectares. The farm was originally established on 1 June 1957 when 100 Republic of China Armed Forces veterans were sent by Veterans Affairs Council to develop the area into an agricultural site. It was originally named "Li Shan Veterans Farm".

Hehuan Mountain (Joy Mountain)
Hehuan Mountain (Héhuān Shān, Joy Mountain) is a mountain 3,416 m high in Central Taiwan. The mountain is part of central mountain range of the island. The peak lies on the borders of the Nantou and Hualien areas and is located in the Taroko National Park.

Mingjian Township
Mingjian Township (Chinese: 名間鄉) is a rural township in west central of Nantou County. Mingjian Township is home of the Spring Light Bake Oolong from Mingjian Township (南投民間鄉半熟烏龍茶), which can be brewed in cold water.

Shiding district (Shídìng Qū / 石碇區)
Shiding district (Shídìng Qū / 石碇區) is located in New Taipei, Taiwan. This is a small mountain town, which is divided by the river into the eastern and western part. To connect these sides was built a very high bridge across the river.

Taitung County (臺東縣)
Taitung county (臺東縣) is the third largest county in Taiwan, located on the island's southeastern coast with the Pacific on its eastern border and the Central Mountain Range on the western. It has an area of 3515 kilometers, one tenth of Taiwan's area, and has a population of around 240000. Taitung county is a home of the “low attitude champion” Fulu Oolong Tea.

Yuchi (Yuchih)
Yuchi (Yuchis) is one of the thirteen administrative districts in Nantou County, which is located in the seventh foot of the Central Mountain Range. This is a place between the uplands and the western plains.