High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶) Main Image
High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶) Image 1
High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶) Image 2
High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶) Image 3
High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶) Image 4

High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶)

  • $15.00

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Mt. Ali Oolong from Ali Shan area is one of the best and the most famous oolong from Taiwan.

Alishan (Ali Shan) mountain is the largest mountain range in Taiwan, it consists of 18 mountains. This tea grows on the high mountain area - Mountain Ali. Tea grows on the height 500-1500 m, and together with unique climate this gives to the tea very soft and sweet taste.

High mountain Oolongs from Ali Shan belongs to the group of Bao-zhong oolong.

Tea bushes grow on high-mountain plantations in the ecologically clean environment. Tea is harvested several times a year, in spring and autumn. The raw stuff for the production of this tea is freshly picked rich bud with 2 young leaves. After harvesting bud and leaves mash to raise a juice, and fermentation begins. Tea leaves are oxidized by the air. After that fermented tea is fried in boilers for some time. The combination of time and temperature of roasting is held every plantation in the strictest confidence. Modern technology of tea leaf rolling and heat treatment can keep the high content of tannins and catechines.

We have four levels of the Alishan Oolong:

  • Alishan Oolong from the flat plantation (altitude 500-700m) - it is not expensive machine cut oolong. Very good option for everyday use.
  • Alishan Oolong from the mountain plantation (altitude 700-1100m) - it is hand cut tea from selected leaves. A little bit more expensive and also good for everyday.
  • Alishan Oolong from the alpine plantation (altitude 1100-1200m) - selected leaves from alpine plantations. Hand cut.
  • Alishan Oolong from Shihjhuo township (石棹). Shihjhuo is a small village on the top of Ali Mountain (altitude 1300m). It is the best Alishan Oolong for special occasions.
  • Alishan Oolong from the high altitude plantation. Selected leaves from the plantation located at 1550m above sea level. Hand cut. It is the best Alishan Oolong for special occasions.
  • Alishan Oolong from Shihjhuo township (石棹), medium baked. This tea is made from selected leaves, and baked more time, than ordinary Alishan Oolong, which gives stronger taste and aroma.
  • Alishan Oolong from Shihjhuo township (石棹), strong baked. This tea is made from selected leaves, and baked more time, than meduim baked Alishan Oolong, which gives stronger taste and aroma.

Leaves: are green, compact, rolled into small balls, which are straighten during brewing

Effects for the body

Promotes weight loss due contained in tea theine (tea caffeine), vitamins and minerals. Affects lipid metabolism, helps with atherosclerosis, strengthens blood vessels, relieves tension, promotes relaxation and improves mood.


Clean and clear brew is golden emerald colored. Aroma is rich floral-fruity with a hint of peach. Taste is very soft with sugar and floral aromas and vanilla - creamy aftertaste. This oolong is perfect for quiet afternoon or five o’clock tea.


You can use any kind of tea pot, but clay tea pot suits much better.

Warm up the tea pot with the boiling water, put 2-5 grams of tea, and pour small amount of the boiling water into the tea and pour out, then pour 225-250 ml of boiling water and cover tea pot for three minutes before serving.

Boiling temperature – 90-95°C (195-205°F).

You can use this amount of tea 3 to 4 times.

The tea leaves come unrolled for full flavor.

Additional information

This is one of the traditional ways of brewing. Depending on individual gustatory preferences you can vary brewing time from 35s to 5 minutes.

You can also use Chinese traditional way of brewing - spilling, using Gaiwan and brew for 3-5 second each time.

Please note, that it is natural tea with high content of active elements, including caffeine, and minerals and some unusual feelings could appear. In that case we recommend decrease quantity of dry leaves and brewing time.

Maxim 19/12/2019
Great tea, I join the previous enthusiastic reviews and thank you! I am very glad that I turned to you!
Regards Maxim!
David Morcos 24/03/2018
Wow! All I can say. While I cannot be a descriptive as others, I can say that this is by far the best oolong that I have ever had.
I do enjoy some of the good teas, and oriental beauty is one of my favorites. This however is all the way up there.
Judy 08/10/2013
You can understand the best flavor of this tea when makes the tea in the second or third time. As disclosed each leaf tea so the taste of tea is revealed in your cup.
Alexander S 08/10/2013
I first tried this tea during my journey through the most famous and most visited mountain in Taiwan, Ali Shan. I was surprised by the flavor as soon as the first sip flowed down my throat.
It has natural light sweetness and complex buttery and smooth flavor, what should be a tired traveler.
Since then and until now I am a real fan of this tea.

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