Tannins in tea

Many people cannot start the day without a cup of coffee, but there is a claim that tea invigorates the body more than coffee. And tannins - plant-based chemicals belonging to the group of phenolic compounds - help in this.

Tannins have tannins that add an astringent taste to plants. Tannins are found in the bark,wood, leaves and fruits of many plants, and tea is no exception.

Useful properties of tannins:

  • stops bleeding
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • improves digestion
  • antibacterial properties
  • used in the cosmetic industry for edema

In tea, tannin plays a large role in the formation of taste, giving tea a pleasant astringency.With a small amount of tannins in tea, they have a relaxing effect, and if a large amount oftannins enters the body, then the opposite effect is invigorating.

With longer brewing, more tannins enter the infusion.

The content of tannins in a tea leaf depends on 2 main factors:

  1. Location - climate, soil, altitude
  2. Tea leaf processing - the lower the degree of fermentation, the higher the content of tannins

When brewing tea, the water temperature affects the amount of tannins in the infusion - the higher it is, the more tannin is released.


  • Avoid tea bags, when brewing they leave more tannins, since the fraction of tea is finer
  • Drain the first brew, rinse the tea and pour it.

Have a nice tea time!


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