How to store tea leaves between steeping?
First, let's figure out why re-steep tea? Why not? Repeated steeping open more and more new notes in the taste of tea.
There are two main methods of brewing tea - eastern, when the gaiwan is used, and western, when the tea is brewed in a teapot.
The main thing to remember when re-steeping is that between brewing tea leaves should not be in water, but in a dry place. If you are brewing tea in a large teapot, then use a strainer, or simply remove the leaves and set them aside for the next brew.
Using a gaiwan will make this procedure easier as it is designed for repeated brewing and the tea leaves are kept in a separate vessel without water between brews.
How many times can tea be brewed? Depends on the variety. Taiwanese oolongs are usually brewed 3-4 times, but some varieties can be brewed up to 10 times. With each steeping, it is recommended to slightly increase the brewing time.
If you want to use the leaves the next day, then at least put them in the refrigerator, but it is better to pour them with cold water and refrigerate overnight, then you will have a serving of refreshing iced tea in the morning.
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