Mei Shan Township (Mei Shan Area)
Mei Shan is a small rural township located on the back side of Ali Mountain Area in Chiayi County, which is prime tea growing county. Steep slopes, thick humidity and cool evening temperatures make the perfect environment for great tea. Tea grows on the height 500-1500 m, and together with unique climate this gives to the tea very soft and sweet taste.
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High Mountain Mei Shan Oolong Tea (高山地梅山烏龍茶)
Mei Shan is a small town located on the back side of Ali Mountain Area, which is prime tea growing c..
Mei Shan Full Aroma Oolong (梅山濃香高山茶)
Mei Shan Full-Aroma Tea is light oxidized tea from Riley village near Mei Shan Township in Chaiayi C..
Spring Mei Shan Jin Xuan Milk Oolong (梅山金萱)
Jin Huan milk oolong comes from Meishan township in Chiayi county. This tea is classic example of ex..
2013 Winter Jin Xuan Milk Oolong (金萱)
Jin Xuan milk oolong comes from Meishan township, which situated on the back side of Ali Mountain. T..
Mei Shan Jin Xuan Milk Oolong (眉山金軒)
Mei Shan Jin Xuan Milk Oolong is out of stock. We would recommend you to taste Jin Xuan Milk Oolong ..