You heard about very delicate and beautiful taste of Taiwanese teas but never taste.
You want to try them but afraid to spend money for big amount?
Now we have very good offer for you – selection of Taiwanese tea!
We choose best non oolong teas from Taiwan, which are very taste and popular in the whole world and you can buy them for welcome price.
Our selection contains:
- Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea / Dongfang Meiren (東方美人茶) – 30 grams
- Sun Moon Lake Black Tea / Tea #18 (日月潭紅茶) – 30 grams
- Yuchi Black Tea (魚池鄉紅茶) – 30 grams
We hope that you will like our teas and we waiting of your future orders!
Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea / Dongfang Meiren (東方美人茶) from Hsinchu County
Oriental Beauty tea is one of the most famous teas from Taiwan. It is white type of oolong tea.
It is known that when Queen Elizabeth II tested it, she loved this tea for its beautiful tea leaves and unforgettable taste and tea was named after Queen as Oriental Beauty Tea.
Oriental Beauty Tea is semi-oxidized, made by light fire-baked traditional technology. Only one bud with two top leaves are picked by hand to produce this high quality oolong tea. The buds are bitten by the Jacobiasca formosana (one kind of insect live in tea farms) and then the tea will have a special sweet taste. Because of this insect, farmers couldn’t use any insecticide. As a result, the tea farms for Oriental beauty tea become totally natural and organic.
This tea is very healthful. Due to more than 400 useful elements (like caffeine, polyphenol compounds, vitamins D, C, K, E, B6, B1, B3, B12, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc, etc.) this tea is very useful for digestive and cardiovascular system, decreases cholesterol in the blood, prevents carcinoma, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure and very helpful for teeth and also for sexual activity. Leaves: are brown, wide, stretched and slightly twisted.
Oriental Beauty tea has honey-fruit aroma and notes of spice. This tea is perfect for special occasions.
Sun Moon Lake Black Tea / Tea #18 (日月潭紅茶)
Sun Moon Lake is located in Nantou County in Central Taiwan. It is surrounded by mountains. Average temperature is very stable during the whole year and humidity is very high. These all enable tea leaves grow rich and intense. Leaves: are golden red-brown, wide, stretched and slightly twisted.
Tea has sweet and light mint taste. By taking a sip of hot tea you feel on your tongue light chill and freshness.
Yuchi Black Tea (魚池鄉紅茶)
Yuchi black tea grows in Central Taiwan (Yuchi, Nantou county). This tea came to Taiwan from India, but due to unique climate of Taiwan Nantou county, taste of this tea is more delicate and elegance compare with tea from India.
This tea is strong-oxidized and hard roasted.
Leaves: are golden brown, wide, stretched and slightly twisted.
This tea comes from alpine plantation and hand cut.
This tea is bright-red, clear and lustrous. It differs from Indian blacktea, which is very dark brew is lower in quality.
Tea has rich sweet taste, very refined, without bitterness. You can feel your favorite aroma from black tea with very delicate taste.
Additional information
This is one of the traditional ways of brewing. Depending on individual gustatory preferences you can vary brewing time from 35s to 5 minutes.
You can also use Chinese traditional way of brewing - spilling, using Gaiwan and brew for 3-5 second each time.
Please note, that it is natural tea with high content of active elements, including caffeine, and minerals and some unusual feelings could appear. In that case we recommend decrease quantity of dry leaves and brewing time.
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